Bulletin Board

What is the Bulletin Board?

I'm glad you asked!  The Bulletin Board is a place for our Members to post items of interest.  Perhaps you have a sofa or recliner for sale.  Maybe your CPR-certified, babysitting teenager would like additional clients.  Perhaps you just want to hang out and make new friends.  Well, this is the place to inform your neighbors of all such things!  Did I forget to mention Pictures?  (scroll to the bottom of this page to check out pictures from our neighborhood!)

Want to post something here?  Simply fill out the request form found at this link, and click Submit.  Please allow 14 days for review and posting of your submission.  Once approved, your requested information will be posted under the correct category listing below.  Happy Neighboring!


Special Thanks

This space is used to send a special thank you to someone in our community, whether that be the neighborhood, city, county, state, country, or world. 



Members may list services here.  Examples:  babysitting, lawn mowing, snow blow/plowing.



Members may use this space to list items they have for sale.  Okay, no one wants your used bubblegum, but perhaps they'll covet your classic G.I. Joe figure.  Or, think bigger - couch, recliner, youth bed set.



Think of this as the bulletin board you see at the entrance to your grocery store, game store, or hardware store.  This space is for items or subjects that don't fall under the Sales and Services categories. 

Dungeons and Dragons Role Playing: 
     John and Christina Weaver are seeking individuals interested in joining weekly Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) sessions.  No experience necessary!  All you need is a desire to have fun and an interest in medieval fantasy.  Seriously, we've had individuals ages 13-45 with no D&D or other role-playing experience join our group and discover that they truly enjoyed themselves while playing D&D.  We keep the rules light and are happy to teach you what you need to know.  Our focus is on having fun!  We find a group of 5-7 players works best for everyone's enjoyment. 

     An 11' conference table adorns the Game Room - ideal for playing D&D with a group of friends!  The room's outskirts are adorned with many a bookcase of D&D and table-top games alike.  There are also many shelves of Dwarven Forge, a 3D terrain product great for creating fantasy or sci-fi settings.    

     Currently, John hosts a recurring game on Saturdays, and Christina will soon be starting recurring games on Sundays.  We play the 1970s-80s Basic/BECMI, 1st-edition AD&D, and 2nd-edition AD&D.  While John owns 3, 3.5, and 4, he found them lacking.  We own 5e, but haven't played it.  John finds he prefers the pre-Wizards of the Coast D&D. 

     We like rotating in table-top games from time to time.  We appreciate many games.  Munchkin, Catan, Munckin Quest, a homebrew of DungeonQuest, Betrayal Legacy, Dungeon of the Mad Mage, Descent, Cards Against Humanity, Clue, and fantasy/sci-fi versions of Risk, to name a few. 

          Interested in joining us for a game?  We invite you to e-mail us at weaverjk2002@hotmail.com


Your Pictures!