HOA Leadership

According to its By-laws, the Prairie Hills Homeowners Association, Inc. (HOA) is led by five Directors of the Board.

There are three general responsibilities of the association board: maintaining common areas, managing budgets/fiscal responsibilities, and enforcing/complying with governing documents. Within each of these categories are many tasks. The Directors give direction to the Officers.

Fiduciary Obligation as an HOA Board Member: 
In general, corporate law gives board members of a non-profit corporation the fiduciary duty to the other members of the HOA (all the other homeowners).  In practice, this means that HOA board members must:
  • act in good faith
  • act in the best interests of the HOA as a whole (and avoid any conflict of interests)
  • be informed prior to acting
  • not take any actions without proper authority, and
  • not take negligent, or willfully harmful actions

The Association currently maintains five officer roles, those of President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Contracts.

The Association uses Committees that serve specialized functions within the association. Committees are typically comprised of non-board members and while they make recommendations to the board, the authority to make final decisions still lies with the board of directors. Committees may have a board member liaison as well as a chairperson who will disburse written reports to the board based on the duties that particular committee is charged with handling.

There are two types of committees - standing committees and ad-hoc committees. Standing committees are responsible for ongoing tasks, such as those of the Architectural Review Committee. Ad-hoc committees are those formed for a specific purpose and last for only the duration of that purpose; for example, a specific community issue.

As you can see, being a board member is no easy task. There is a lot involved and, if you're going to volunteer for such a position, you must be prepared to do the work. But, if you're able to put the welfare of the community first, exercise good judgement, remain calm in heated situations, and be committed to the community as a whole, volunteering for a board or committee position may be the right choice for you.

Serving Your Community: 
If you would like to serve your community be becoming a Director, Officer, Chairperson, or other Committee Member, please contact us at info@prairiehillshoa.org

Your Prairie Hills HOA Leadership

Directors of the Board 

  • Sarah Rosenthal
  • Cindy Hald
  • Sonia Guzman
  • Paul Rabinovitz
  • Wayne Ledford

   Point of Contact:  Directors@PrairieHillsHOA.org



   Architectural Review Committee (ARC)

       Chairperson:             Sarah Rosenthal

       Members:                    Sonia Guzman, Cindy Hald, Joe Olivas, Michael Mills

       Point of Contact:       architecture@prairiehillshoa.org

Job Descriptions

Prairie Hill Board of Director Job Description.pdf
Prairie Hill Board of ARC Job Description.pdf